Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Gettin Freaky

One of the biggest difference in the way the strength training community at large approaches a reduced carb diet versus the wieght loss community is in "doing the math". More than Once I've read, heard, and listened to people who are unwilling to track calories, fat grams or any thing else, but will with meticulous precision count and calculate thier carb requirements to remain in ketosis. They will weigh, messure, calculate Net carbs, keep a journal, and pee on sticks. But, count calories, hell no, thats to much work One of those things in life that just make me go hmmmmmmm. Strength trainees in general, and bodybuilders in particular, embrace their inner control freak. When I posted my food log on "Average Sunday", and I wrote .5 cup of this and 6 oz of that, I mean everything that went on my plate had been on a food scale or in a measuring cup. Right now, as I am not activley trying to move my body composition or weight one way or the other by any significant amount, I only do this once every 3 or four days. Over time I have learned that I, like most people, suck at estimating what I am actually putting in my mouth. So to compensate for this, I shoot for a littel under maintenace. By shooting for a little less than I need, I end up actually eating what I should.
How do I know how much I should eat? I am so glad you asked. I'll make it easy for you, go to
Exrx.net and plug in the numbers, no math required on your part. Now you need to know how much protein to eat. Very simple, eat 1 gram of protein for every 1 lb. of body weight, or for those of you in metric countries 2 grams per kilogram. Yes I know its not the exact same amount, but I'm trying to keep it simple. Take your protein grams and multiply that number by 4. Thats your calories from protein. Subtract that number from your caloric requirements. Divide the remainder by 2. Thats how many calories you should get each from carbs and fat.
Quick example.
Wt = 200lbs
Cal Rq = 2500
Protein = 200g x 4 = 800 cal
2500 - 800 = 1700
1700 / 2 = 850
850 cal /4 = 212g Carb
850 cal / 9 = 94g fat


212g @@##CARB!!! thats not very low carb you say. Compared to the USDA recomeded level of 60% carbs or 375g, it is certainley a reduced carb diet. Also bear in mind, this is maintanence level based on activity level. To lose weight you would maintain your protein level and reduce your carbs and/or fat. To gain, do the opposite. Tracking all this may seem daunting. But I say, embrace your inner control freak, you know you want to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do the same exact thing, even have a food scale on the kitchen counter. What I find interesting is how many low carbers are dieting below 50 grams of carbs, as low as 20 grams, while I maintain at a much higher carb intake averaging 180 grams on a hard training day, weights plus aerobics, and 120 or so grams on a day of either weights or aerobics, 80 grams on a off day.
And I'm 5 foot tall and 120 pounds!
I think they're not training effectively.