Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Internet is Not Real Life.

Heresy, I know. But Cyberspace is not a real place and the inhabitants, are disconnected egos floating in electronic mist. To be honest, everything you read on the Internet should be taken with a grain of salt, a very large grain of salt. Much like a couple of generations ago, people had to learn the difference between TV and reality, today people need to learn that the internet is also not reality. I have faith that many folks are accurately representing themselves, their beliefs, and their experiences. Their will always be, however, a certain percentage of folks who, mis-represent who they are and what they do. Some do it out of malice, others just need or want attention or to feel important. Some times they are easy to spot. Often they are quickly labled as trolls. Other times the deception is incredibly subtle and woven with enough truth that it becomes hard to tell. The great thing about the Internet is that it gives everybody a platform to speak with little fear of reprisal. The bad thing about the Internet is that it gives everybody a platform to speak with little fear of reprisal. Surf the web aimlessly, but don't internalize too much from any one place, and don't get sucked in to the dark places where bitterness and hate fester. Keep your contacts in Real life. One night a week out with friends will do much for your psychological well being. Online chat rooms and bulletin boards are a poor substitute for in person contact with other people. This is not to say that internet Bulletin Boards, or Chat Rooms can't be helpful, supportive, informative, or part of your social world. Its just that they shouldn't be your only social world. So, pick up the phone. Call some one. Turn off the computer. Go mingle with real people, in real time, in real life.

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